Chapter 7 of The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog, Satanic Panic, describes Bruce Perry's experiences working with a group of children in the foster care system who had supposedly experienced abused by members of a satanic cult. Through this complicated and twisted tale, Bruce Perry discovers that after the first sibling group was removed from abuse, "therapy" was used within their foster care setting in order to coerce the children to make outcries that did not hold validity. These outcries ultimately led to the removal and abuse at the hand of this "therapy" of many more children within the community. Bruce Perry uncovers an elaborate web of lies that ultimately led children to be put in danger at the hands of those who were supposed to keep them safe. Reading this chapter, my initial reaction was disgust. I found myself needing put down the book and reread pages as the story of Satanic Panic evolved into an elaborate conspiracy with many moving parts....